Our story

Hi! We're Janna and Jon. Thank you for taking the time to read about the people behind this travel and photography blog, Voyage Green.

We started originally with Janna's account on Instagram under the name of Janna Voyage. Janna shared her travel experiences with everyone and developed her skills with content creation. After travelling around the world for many years, she found herself back in Australia to live and study.

After meeting each other in Australia, we discovered our many shared passions. We love the art of photography, expressing ourselves in writing, travelling to see and experience new places, and taking care of the environment. This blog was born out of these passions, with the aim of sharing our experiences as we leave Australia to travel, live and work around the world.

We both love what nature has to offer and outdoor adventures, like hiking, snorkelling, diving, biking, paddle boarding. But we also often notice something during these activities. Polluted oceans, trashy beaches, or piles of rubbish on the roads. We therefore do our best to minimise our impact on nature and make our planet a better place to live for local communities and future generations.

Join us to learn how to travel more consciously, while discovering the best locations, experiences and food around the world. All with some stunning photography and videos to bring everything to life!

Who is Janna?

I'm a girl who likes to travel one hour out of my way for some delicious sourdough! If you could see the posts I save on Instagram, they would be 90% waterfalls and beautiful beaches. Once I pick up my camera and start shooting, only my stomach can stop me (despite Jon's best efforts). I'm obsessed with making this planet a better place, and you'll usually find me with a bag wherever I go to pick up plastic and other litter polluting our environment.

Who is Jon?

Raised on a diet of Astro Boy, Monkey Magic and Akira, I found myself lost in Japan (in a good way!) for seven years. I ignored the travel bug for a while as I returned to Australia to 'build a career' etc. Now I can't wait to be on the road again! I can be a bit of a tech and film geek though. So one of my biggest challenges is channeling my time into more beneficial pursuits for our travel, like becoming fluent in Spanish (which fortunately for me, Janna is already)!

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